Shoes need to be kept tied and fastened for secure movement
Play in the area outside of the cones so classes aren’t disturbed
Other than walking, no one should be near the building windows
Students will return the play equipment to the racks when they are finished playing
Students will pick up their own garbage maintaining the cleanliness of the play area
Students need to ask an adult before going inside for ANY reason
Students will respect everyone and include everyone in games
No climbing up the slides
Slide down only on bottoms and feet first
No hanging over the slides or climbing on them
Only one person at a time down the slides
No throwing wood chips
No chasing each other on the big toy
Students are not allowed on the cement wall at any time
Do not run or chase each other on the cement wall
Do not go behind the bushes
Do not climb on the fence
Do not pick flowers from the neighboring yards
Flag football is acceptable, tackle football is not acceptable
Do not tackle one another on the playground
This area is off limits to anything other than walking in or out of the portable
The steps and handrails of the steps are OFF LIMITS
No going behind the building or out of sight
No bouncing balls or objects off the side of the building
A special thanks to parents and volunteers that help with recess. Keeping the kids safe while allowing them to enjoy physical exercise and time outside is our primary goal.